Menders in Peckham

On Friday we visited MenDERS, the excellent ‘shed’ project in Peckham for older men. This is run by Age UK Lewisham & Southwark whom we are part funding for this work.Here is a short...

New grants awarded

At a meeting of the Executive Committee held last night at All Saints Church in Peckham, three organisations were awarded grants for their work in or supporting residents of SE15.They are Age UK Lewisham & Southwark, Bede House Association, Pioneer African...

Michael Fowke steps down

After many years service to Peckham Settlement, Michael Fowke has stood down as Chair but will remain on the Executive Committee.His colleagues on the EC, many of whom have served also for many years with Michael, thanked him for his dedication to the work of the...

Thanks to Clare Sharpen

The Peckham Settlement has reluctantly accepted the resignation of Clare Sharpen who served on the Executive Committee for three years.She brought the organisation clarity and skills that assisted its passage through to its new manifestation and active...

Peckham Coal Line

This ambitious local project which we have decided to support is a proposal for an elevated urban park using the old coal sidings to link Queens Road Peckham with Rye Lane.